product overview

XLayer is an advanced data and system integration hub that enables seamless automated communication, integration and convergence of multiple data sources, technologies, systems and applications on a centralised, highly available management platform.

XLayer’s trusted reliability and performance enables you to connect,change and integrate data swiftly and effortlessly without the need forexpensive software development or coding.

Converging existing and new environments

Merge legacy technology, existing on-premise systems, and new and emerging cloud based business applications
Connect different languages, methods and processes of various technologies together in a single, scalable, easily accessible and interchangeable way
Make relevant and trusted data available for use - and reuse

Creating value from complexity

Give your business the power to easily access any system and data sources that you may need and present this in a modern, interactive user experience
XLayer aligns with your IT strategy,adapting to new technologies and easily scaling as your business grows
Realise the full value of all of your systems, applications, technologies and data, to the benefit of your business and its people

understand your customer and employee sentiment
to manage your environment

You can now advance your company’s productiveness, and eventually, its success by ensuring all your employees are equipped to, or even surpass their full abilities.

Today, companies cannot rely on using financial measures alone. Businesses are required to track non-financial measures for example speed of response and product quality; intensive measures, such as customer experience and brand improvement. This also includes, future procedures, such as employee gratification, core values, preservation, and succession development.

Measuring Customer Experience (CX) provides companies with greater insight into their performance which allows for problems to be attended to before they create a negative effect on the company.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are a company’s measurable goals. This is typically attached to an organization’s tactic, but often not evaluated properly.

Core Value conformance guarantees that the basis of a company’s objectives is followed, resulting in success and development.

Maximum goals are reached not through the efforts of an individual person, however by numerous individuals in a diversity of departments which that indicates you always have a situation of “shared accountability” that is fundamental to a company’s triumph.

Communicating significant knowledge to your employees ensures an educated and legislation-compliant employee base, thereby imparting your clients with a professional and educated team, portraying your company in the greatest ways.

ITSS is a specialized and an advanced channel that utilises the above metrics as the basis to enhance performance and development of a company with successful tactical decisions concerning staff members and resources.

X Layer approach

X Layer simplifies, creating order from the seeming chaos of multiple data streams, systems, processes and applications, and serving it up to you in a way that makes sense.

XLayer for business

XLayer equips your management team with the ability to make rapid, reliable business decisions by providing your business with a visual representation of trusted, unified data for use across the entire value chain.


Reduces integration complexity and maintenance cost
Timely and trusted data delivery for company-wide use improves business operations and reduces risk
Rapid on-boarding of new applications and technologies
Combines data from various applications and data sources, and presents it in a modern and interactive user interface with rich controls
Promotes data reuse for faster, more cost-effective solution deployment
Modernises business critical legacy systems without developing it from scratch
Flexible solution design
Robust and reliable, ensuring business continuity
See true data quality and value
Visual representation that makes it far easier for people on the business side to understand and trust the data without relying completely on the IT department


Real time, automatic and accurate communications between all internal,customer and partner applications and data sources (ERP, HR, ITSM, Financial,etc.)
Centralised management and control hub for all systems, featuring rich data logging, auditing and dashboarding
Robust, codeless environment to connect systems, and transform and integrate data, at any scale and any speed
Eliminates point-to-point interfaces
Leading class data visualisation
Use configuration to create API’s and populate Data Lakes
Unique exception handling that provides logical solutions to correct errors as and when they occur
Message routing according to business requirements
Supports data latency (batch, real-time,or near real-time)
Integration with legacy technology such as Files, Databases, FTP, SFTP, SMTP,IMAP, POP3, Packaged and/or home-grown application interfaces
Decouples data sources from destinations so that applications can publish data once to the hub, to support any number of consuming applications
High availability and data security
ITSM focused add-on creates a single interface to your Service Desk, and easily onboards systems and processes that need to interact with it
Easily and securely exposes Service Desk functions to compose a mobile API strategy
Integrate and transform any IT asset and monitoring event data from multiple sources, and link it to the required business processes and systems

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